Suggested Checkup Guide for Children

Regular checkups for babies, children and adolescents are the cornerstone to providing good health to your child through preventative and anticipatory guidance. All of these recommendations are based on American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. We use these times to answer your questions and provide educational material to help you grow into the best parent possible.

2 weeksCheckup
4 weeksPossible second checkup and discuss vaccinations
2 monthsCheckup; 1st series of vaccinations
4 monthsCheckup; 2nd series of vaccinations
6 monthsCheckup; 3rd series of vaccinations
9 monthsCheck for development and growth and vision screen
12 monthsCheckup; 4th series of vaccinations
15 monthsCheckup; 5th series of vaccinations
18 monthsCheckup
2 years oldCheckup and lab
2.5 years oldCheckup; Dtap/Tdap and Hepatitis A vaccinations
3 & 4 years oldAnnual exams and lab vision screen
5 years oldKindergarten checkup and vaccinations
6-11 years oldSuggest complete physical every 18-24 months, lab advisable
12-21 years oldAdolescent annual exam strongly recommended